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Her Talker Arrives

After months of testing to find the correct system Zoey received a talker, a Vantage Lite.  This is an amazing machine that allows her to press buttons to create sentences to say what she needs.  There is a lot to learn.  She gets daily support from her teacher and EA at school as well as weekly training sessions.   We have also had to go for training on how to help her learn to use it.  By the end of a month she was using 10 keys.


End of Summer Update

Zoey was home with Grandma for the summer. We continued working with her talker and she did wonderful.  We went on 2 small vacations.  She does not like 10 hour car rides!  But we had fun at the beach.  Zoey has a tricycle that she can ride because it is minimal pressure on her legs which are supported with AFO braces.  She lovers to ride her bike so we went everyday.   Zoey unfortunately inhaled liquid into her lungs twice in the early summer resulting in lung infections.  This required antibiotics which then triggered a dermatitis around her mouth caused by too many antibiotics.   These patches flare and settle then flare again.  Pretty much a weekly cycle.  They hurt when flared up.  Two months and we are still working on this problem.  Apparently it is very hard to cure.

Rabbit Stander

Zoey received a new stander with wheels.  They call it a rabbit.  This lets her do the standing work needed and be able to move.  The wheels are just like her wheelchair.  She is getting used to it and loves another way to be mobile.


Zoey is back at school in grade 1 this year and very happy!  She loves school


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